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San Marcos / Portland, Texas, United States
I'm 18 and am a freshman at Texas State. I like to go on dates with my beautiful girlfriend as well as play football and soccer for both competition and fun.


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Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Have you ever felt like you just couldn't wait to do something because you've been looking forward to it for a long time? Well this whole week that has been me. I never thought that I would be so happy to leave San Marcos, but I just can't take not seeing my girlfriend, Jennifer, anymore. She has been a big part of my life for over the past year. We've gone through good times, bad times, scary times, mad times, sad times, funny times, happy times, and for the past year I've been in love. Since I have been gone for so long I just have to go visit her this weekend. I miss her so much and I am happier than I have been knowing that on Friday I am going to see her again. I know it sounds stupid but i feel like a little kid in a toy store. Well I hope everyone has a good time this weekend, because I know I'll be the happiest person in the world come Friday.

1 comment:

D Hadbawnik said...

you look like a pretty happy couple. hope you had fun seeing her. but, gabriel, what's up with your blog? the layout looks a bit chaotic. you should be able to set up some of the graphics and whatnot in your sidebar, so it's not spilling all over the page.