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San Marcos / Portland, Texas, United States
I'm 18 and am a freshman at Texas State. I like to go on dates with my beautiful girlfriend as well as play football and soccer for both competition and fun.


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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Intermural Flag Football

Tonight i had my second flag football game. Our team has made substantial improvements since last week. Our first game we were playing a pretty good team. They were all over 6 foot tall and all had decent speed. As you can probably assume, we lost our first game. But this week we had or offense and defense down. Our offense scored within the first five plays and our defense scored two touchdown by intercepting two passes. We were winning so bad that the referees called the game over due to the mercy rule. That was a big moral victory for our team. It gave us just enough confidence to do well throughout the rest of the season. I think that not only are we going to win the rest of our games but also do pretty well in the playoffs, but that is only if we play hard every week and don't get too complacent.

1 comment:

D Hadbawnik said...

congrats on the win. we played intramural softball last spring and got killed pretty much every game. i think we eked out one win. but every other team was like the yankees on 'roids to us.