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San Marcos / Portland, Texas, United States
I'm 18 and am a freshman at Texas State. I like to go on dates with my beautiful girlfriend as well as play football and soccer for both competition and fun.


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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Bobcat Life

So far I have had tons of fun here at Texas State. Although it is a big change from my hometown, Portland, TX, of 15,000 people, i have accepted the challenge to adapt to the bigger city college life. Back in Portland everybody just about knows everyone else and also knows there business. let me be the first to tell you that i am really happy to get out of that small town gossip and be here in San Marcos. Here in San Marcos there are so many people that gossiping like it was in Portland just isn't a big deal here. Another thing is meeting new people. In Portland everyone grew up together so you really didn't have to meet anybody new all the time. Here in San Marcos i meet somebody new everyday, and its kind of fun to get to move out of a place where you see the same people everyday and actually meet new people from different places. I love it here at Texas State and I'm really not looking forward to going home as much as i thought i would be.

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