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San Marcos / Portland, Texas, United States
I'm 18 and am a freshman at Texas State. I like to go on dates with my beautiful girlfriend as well as play football and soccer for both competition and fun.


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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Intermural Flag Football

Tonight i had my second flag football game. Our team has made substantial improvements since last week. Our first game we were playing a pretty good team. They were all over 6 foot tall and all had decent speed. As you can probably assume, we lost our first game. But this week we had or offense and defense down. Our offense scored within the first five plays and our defense scored two touchdown by intercepting two passes. We were winning so bad that the referees called the game over due to the mercy rule. That was a big moral victory for our team. It gave us just enough confidence to do well throughout the rest of the season. I think that not only are we going to win the rest of our games but also do pretty well in the playoffs, but that is only if we play hard every week and don't get too complacent.


This up coming weekend is one I'm really looking forward to. This weekend I'm going to Austin to watch the longhorns play. One of my friends who I went to high school with has season tickets and has an extra one. That's where I come in. She originally invited someone else but they had prior arrangement. So now I'm going to watch the horns play in Austin. I have been looking forward to this all week. There is nothing like going to a longhorn football game. There is just something about you cheering for one of the best teams in the country along with 80,000 or screaming fans that gets me. This weekend will be an unforgettable moment for sure.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Have you ever felt like you just couldn't wait to do something because you've been looking forward to it for a long time? Well this whole week that has been me. I never thought that I would be so happy to leave San Marcos, but I just can't take not seeing my girlfriend, Jennifer, anymore. She has been a big part of my life for over the past year. We've gone through good times, bad times, scary times, mad times, sad times, funny times, happy times, and for the past year I've been in love. Since I have been gone for so long I just have to go visit her this weekend. I miss her so much and I am happier than I have been knowing that on Friday I am going to see her again. I know it sounds stupid but i feel like a little kid in a toy store. Well I hope everyone has a good time this weekend, because I know I'll be the happiest person in the world come Friday.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Bad Morning

I woke up this morning at 8AM thinking that today was gonna be a good day. Have you ever woke up in the morning feeling that dis trot feeling like your still asleep? Well this morning that was me. When i first got out of bed my leg got caught on my comforter then I fell flat on my face. You would think I would have woke up from the fall, but I was still a little dis trot. From being still half asleep I guess I wasn't completely understanding about my surroundings. Then as I leaned over to put my shoes on, I swear the bedpost had to have moved, cause I hit the side of my head right on the corner of the bedpost. If that wasn't a bad enough day so far the head ache that follow from these falls would make it worse.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Bobcat Life

So far I have had tons of fun here at Texas State. Although it is a big change from my hometown, Portland, TX, of 15,000 people, i have accepted the challenge to adapt to the bigger city college life. Back in Portland everybody just about knows everyone else and also knows there business. let me be the first to tell you that i am really happy to get out of that small town gossip and be here in San Marcos. Here in San Marcos there are so many people that gossiping like it was in Portland just isn't a big deal here. Another thing is meeting new people. In Portland everyone grew up together so you really didn't have to meet anybody new all the time. Here in San Marcos i meet somebody new everyday, and its kind of fun to get to move out of a place where you see the same people everyday and actually meet new people from different places. I love it here at Texas State and I'm really not looking forward to going home as much as i thought i would be.